Sectors & Coverage
We are specialists
We focus on markets where we have experience and can best complement your own knowledge.
Energy, environment and buildings encompasses the range of products and services that make up this emerging sector. It’s a dynamic area and one that globally is being pushed by a combination of increased environmental awareness and tougher laws and regulations. Within the energy sector renewables are a major area of growth as many nations look at alternatives to fossil fuels for their future energy needs. Turning to the environment the range of technologies and services on offer to manage and minimise the impact of human society continues to expand. As for building the need for cost effective, sustainable and smart solutions is seeing considerable investment that is transforming where we work and live.
Specialist consumer focuses on two areas, automotive and tobacco. While both are strongly contrasting they are both linked by a fast pace of development. Automotive is a market in transition in terms of the traditional role of the car. Congestion, pollution concerns and new models of access are all challenging the status quo. Tobacco is equally facing change but here from a growing regulatory environment, rising prices and increased health awareness. As a result the global user base is changing and incredible speed with market opportunities for those in the sector opening and closing.