Specialist markets

Both automotive and tobacco markets are complex. In addition to the variety of factors that impact on the operation of both such complexity also makes for markets that are hard to understand without in-depth knowledge. Automotive spans a range of vehicles from cars through to the commercial sector while tobacco a variety of sub categories such as cigarettes and loose tobacco.

Being able to support those operating in such markets demands deep knowledge about their operation. Chris Hadley Consulting offers such knowledge from more than two decades experience with a variety of projects.

Our key areas of interest are:

  • Development of new and used market segments
  • Moves towards premium and value-added vehicles
  • Technical innovations and disruptor actions
  • Future fuel options
  • Changing views towards mobility
  • Dynamics of the global tobacco market
  • Fragmentation in supply giving way to consolidation
  • Regulatory, fiscal and educational/awareness developments
  • The shift from FMC (Factory Made Cigarettes) to FCT (Fine Cut Tobacco)
  • Growth of OTP (Other Tobacco Products) and alternatives
  • Technical innovations