Sectors & Coverage

Energy, environment and buildings encompasses the range of products and services that make up this emerging sector. It’s a dynamic area and one that globally is being pushed by a combination of increased environmental awareness and tougher laws and regulations.

Specialist consumer focuses on two areas, automotive and tobacco. While both are strongly contrasting they are both linked by a fast pace of development. As a result the global user base is changing and incredible speed with market opportunities for those in the sector opening and closing.


Understanding markets is an essential ingredient for any organisation’s success – ask any large multinational and they will tell you that getting this right was critical for their long-term growth

Information is power and as an organisation having such power provides a major leverage over your competitors. Yet while information on markets and customers may hold the key to increased sales(..)

Having the right strategy is crucial for every business. Next to understanding your market, committing to a plan for the future that will ultimately realise your aims is vital.

Planning is essential for any organisation’s success with marketing no exception. Ultimately you can only be confident that your objectives will be realised if you have a plan in place.

Few companies now consider themselves tethered to a particular geographic market. The growth in the internet as well as rising power of multinationals has made working internationally more of a necessity than ever before.